“Nothing will change permanently until you dig down to the bedrock of truth about your life and God’s purpose for it.”

Rick Warren

“La cualidad esencial para el liderazgo no es la perfección, sino la credibilidad.”

Rick Warren

“When life gets tough, when you’re overwhelmed with doubt, or when you wonder if living for Christ is worth the effort, remember that you are not home yet. At death you won’t leave home — you’ll go home.”

Rick Warren

“Many of your relationship problems are not really relationship problems. They're personal problems that spill over into relationships.”

Rick Warren

“Instant obedience will teach you more about God than a lifetime of Bible discussions. ”

Rick Warren

“Learning to love unselfishly is not an easy task. It runs counter to our self-centered nature. That’s why we’re given a lifetime to learn it.”

Rick Warren

“Choose organic, grass-fed, free-range, and hormone-, antibiotic-, and pesticide-free poultry whenever you can.”

Rick Warren

“Since we were restored to friendship with God by the death of his Son while we were still his enemies, we will certainly be delivered from eternal punishment by his life. ROMANS 5:10 NLT

Rick Warren

“Did you notice the phrase by his power in that last Bible verse? This is what makes The Daniel Plan different from other approaches. It is built on trusting in God’s power to help you change, not merely your own willpower.”

Rick Warren

“The most common mistake Christians make in worship today is seeking an experience rather than seeking God.”

Rick Warren

“How do you know when God is at the center of your life? When God is at the center, you worship. When he’s not, you worry.”

Rick Warren

“We often bring problems on ourselves by our own faulty decisions, poor choices, bad judgments, and sins.”

Rick Warren

“God has … planted eternity in the human heart. ECCLESIASTES 3:11 (NLT) Surely God would not have created such a being as man to exist only for a day! No, no, man was made for immortality. ABRAHAM LINCOLN”

Rick Warren

“The heart of the matter is a matter of the heart.”

Rick Warren

“Every problem is a character-building opportunity, and the more difficult it is, the greater the potential for building spiritual muscle and moral fiber.”

Rick Warren

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