“Since we cannot see Christ, we cannot express our love to Him. But we do see our neighbor, and we can do for him what we would do for Christ if He were visible.”

Mother Teresa

“The moment passed — but the darkness is so dark, and the pain is so painful. – But I accept whatever He gives and I give whatever He takes.”

Mother Teresa

“In the developed countries there is a poverty of intimacy, a poverty of spirit, of loneliness, of lack of love. There is no greater sickness in the world today than that one.”

Mother Teresa

“By our life and deeds of love, we are making the Church fully present in the world today.”

Mother Teresa

“I don’t think there is anyone who needs God’s help and grace as much as I do. Sometimes I feel so helpless and weak. I think that is why God uses me. Because I cannot depend on my own strength, I rely on Him twenty-four hours a day. If the day had even more hours, then I would need His help and grace during those hours as well.

Mother Teresa

“We are all pencils in the hand of God.”

Mother Teresa

“A beautiful death is for people who lived like animals to die like angels—loved and wanted.”

Mother Teresa

“Intense love does not measure it just gives. ”

Mother Teresa

“There should be less talk; a preaching point is not a meeting point.  What do you do then? Take a broom and clean someone's house.  That says enough.”

Mother Teresa

“May God break my heart so completely that the whole world falls in”

Mother Teresa

“I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.”

Mother Teresa

“At the hour of death when we come face-to-face with God, we are going to be judged on love; not how much we have done, but how much love we put into the doing.”

Mother Teresa

“These are the few ways we can practice humility: To speak as little as possible of one's self. To mind one's own business. Not to want to manage other people's affairs. To avoid curiosity. To accept contradictions and correction cheerfully. To pass over the mistakes of others. To accept insults and injuries. To accept being slighted, forgotten and disliked. To be kind and gentle even under provocation. Never to stand on one's dignity. To choose always the hardest.”

Mother Teresa

“Do not think that love in order to be genuine has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired. Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.”

Mother Teresa

“I know i am touching the living body of Christ in the broken bodies of the hungry and the suffering.”

Mother Teresa

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