“1 Peter 5 - Be well balanced because Satan 'roams about like a hungry lion seeking who he can devour.”

Joyce Meyer

“If I am doing the best I can and people don’t approve, what they think will have to be between them and God.

Joyce Meyer

“Singing and giving thanks may not seem like the thing to do in times of trouble, but believe me, it is exactly what we need to do.”

Joyce Meyer

“life. Such a relationship requires that you seek God like never before. So start this year right by becoming more deeply and intimately acquainted with the One who has all power in heaven and earth. JANUARY 3 Trust in the Power of Hope Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire is fulfilled, it is a tree of life. PROVERBS 13:12 I define hope as “the happy anticipation of good things.” You can hope for something good to happen to you by learning how to celebrate and enjoy life. Everything in life is a process in motion. Without movement and progression there is no life. As long as you live you are always heading somewhere, and you should enjoy yourself on the way. God created you to be a goal-oriented visionary. Without a vision you become bored and hopeless. But there’s something about hope that makes people lighthearted and happy. Hope is a powerful spiritual force that is activated through your positive attitude. God is positive and He wants positive things to happen to you, but that probably won’t happen unless you have hope and faith. Expect God to bring good out of every circumstance in your life. Whatever happens, trust in the Lord . . . and trust in the power of hope!”

Joyce Meyer

“What we think leads to the words that come out of our mouths. What we think and speak may be one of our most important habits because it determines the other habits in our lives. In my opinion, thoughts and words are the starting point for forming all good habits and breaking all bad habits.” 

Joyce Meyer

“Our lives are going to be less than God’s best if we are consumed with “self.” Self-centeredness keeps us from seeing the needs of others and causes us to miss the blessings that come when we serve. We don’t have to totally forget about our own needs. But we can chase selfishness away by not always thinking about our needs first.”

Joyce Meyer

“We must take responsibility for our responses to daily events, especially the little offenses that tempt us to be angry.”

Joyce Meyer

“And your ears will hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way; walk in it… ISAIAH 30:21” 

Joyce Meyer

“One of the things you can do as a confident woman is apply the blood of Jesus Christ by faith to your household. I do this regularly. I apply it to my own life, my mind, emotions, will, body, conscience, spirit, finances, relationships, my walk with God, my husband, children and their families, co-workers and all the partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries. I do this by praying and releasing my faith that there is indeed power in the blood of Jesus to cleanse and protect.”

Joyce Meyer

“You can not live your life just based on what everyone else thinks.”

Joyce Meyer

“God wants to teach us to walk in the Spirit, not the flesh, and that includes emotions. Unless we make a firm decision to “fear not,” we will never be free from the power of it.”

Joyce Meyer

“The only way to have a friend is to be one. Ralph Waldo Emerson”

Joyce Meyer

“Peace is our inheritance from Jesus, but we have to choose to follow Him daily. Colossians 3:15 teaches us that peace is to be the “umpire” in our lives, settling every issue that needs a decision. To gain and maintain peace in our hearts, we may have to learn to say no to a few things.”

Joyce Meyer

“God has a great life planned for you.”

Joyce Meyer

“It is amazing the quality of human beings that are in this world if we can just get past people not dressing the way we want them to dress.”

Joyce Meyer

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