“Many people are unhappy and are not experiencing life to its fullest because they’ve closed their hearts to compassion, they are motivated by only what they want and what they think they need. They rarely do anything for anybody else unless they have an ulterior goal in mind. They are self-involved and self-centered.”

Joel Osteen

“No disappointment. No setback. No injustice. No person. No hater. No jealousy can stand against our God. When you believe, all the forces of darkness cannot stop God from taking you where He wants you to go. Be a believer and not a doubter.”

Joel Osteen

“Don't do anything that you wouldn't feel comfortable reading about in the newspaper the next day.”

Joel Osteen

“Do not swallow anything Satan is trying to ram down your throat. Jesus comes first.”

Joel Osteen

“People of excellence go the extra mile to do what's right.”

Joel Osteen

“Déjele todo a Dios, viva una vida de perdón y no se la viva intentando vengarse con todos, pagándoles por lo que le hicieron. Dios ve cada injusticia que se le ha hecho, cada persona que le ha lastimado. Él tiene el archivo, y la Escritura dice que si usted no se venga, Dios le recompensará, le pagará. Y amigo, no sólo le pagará, Él le pagará abundantemente.”

Joel Osteen

“You need to follow your own heart in light of God’s word and do what you feel is right and good for you.”

Joel Osteen

“Whenever I talk to people who have had life-threatening experiences, whether from an illness, an accident, or some other challenge, without fail they talk about how they have come to appreciate each and every day more than ever before. They don’t take a minute for granted. They see every day as a gift from God. We have to realize that our lives could be gone in a moment. There are no guarantees that we will be here at this time next year. Learn to live each day to the fullest. Don’t complain. Don’t focus on what’s wrong. Be grateful for the opportunity to experience each day. Things may not be perfect. You may have some aches and pains. You may have some adversity. But in the big scope of things your life could be a whole lot worse. And really, you need to live every day like it could be your last.”

Joel Osteen

“am prosperous. I am coming into overflow.”

Joel Osteen

“Where is the love that will overlook a person's faults?”

Joel Osteen

“You must make a decision that you are going to move on. It wont happen automatically. You will have to rise up and say, ‘I don’t care how hard this is, I don’t care how disappointed I am, I’m not going to let this get the best of me. I’m moving on with my life.”

Joel Osteen

“By faith you need to walk like a king, talk like a king, think like a king, dress like a king, smile like a king. Don’t go by what you see. Go by what you know. There is royalty in your DNA. You have the blood of a winner. You were created to reign in life.”

Joel Osteen

“If you can see the invisible, God will do the impossible.”

Joel Osteen

“But when you say, “I am beautiful,” not only does beauty, youth, and freshness start coming your way, but on the inside your spirit also comes alive. Your self-image begins to improve, and you’ll start carrying yourself like you’re someone special. You won’t drag through the day feeling less than or inferior. You’ll have that spring in your step, that “You go, girl!” attitude. Beauty is not in how thin or tall you are, how perfect you look. Beauty is in being who God made you to be with confidence. If you’re a size 4, great. If you’re a size 24, great. Take what you have and make the most of it.”

Joel Osteen

“God, I’m ready. I’m taking the limits off of You. I’m enlarging my vision. I may not see a way but I know You have a way. I declare I’m coming into a shift.”

Joel Osteen

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