“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma—which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and your intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

T.D. Jakes

“first things that a hurting person needs to do is break the habit of using other people as a narcotic to numb the dull aching of an inner void.”

T.D. Jakes

“It’s miserable living someone else’s life, and it is downright suffocating to live beneath your potential.”

T.D. Jakes

“Things that are covered don’t heal well.”

T.D. Jakes

“If you are searching for the secret of true joy, and victorious Holy Spirit-filled Christ living, the answer is simply this: Die! Die and keep on dying daily until all of you is dead and only Christ lives. Death is the key to life and life more abundantly.”

T.D. Jakes

“If the road to hell is paved with good intentions, the road to heaven is paved with relentless faith.”

T.D. Jakes

“Hardship can humble you, but it cannot break you unless you let it. Your instinct for survival will see you through if you’re attuned to its frequency. Instinct will find a temporary stopgap without ever taking its sights off your larger goals. There’s no greater way to hone your instincts than to overcome adversity. Successful leaders know that instincts transform adversity into opportunity.”

T.D. Jakes

“Success is not success without a successor.”

T.D. Jakes

“Love embraces the totality of the other person. It is impossible to completely and effectively love someone without being included in that other person’s history. Our history has made us who we are. The images, scars, and victories that we live with have shaped us into the people we have become. We will never know who a person is until we understand where they have been. The secret of being transformed from a vulnerable victim to a victorious, loving person is found in the ability to open your past to someone responsible enough to share your weaknesses and pains. “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Gal. 6:2). You don’t have to keep reliving it. You can release it.”

T.D. Jakes

“Gossip is hater activity. So is listening to gossip, which you can cut short by interrupting the gossiper with “I don’t need to know” and steering the conversation to another subject. Seek your destiny, and do not worry about others. Only God knows the full story of everyone’s destiny; you don’t, so you’re not equipped to judge. If you find yourself rooting against anyone’s success, I encourage you to focus on yourself, what you do best, and march to your own destiny. Do not let yourself become a hater.”

T.D. Jakes

“What woman would not appreciate a God who becomes her attorney, assumes her case, requires no fee, and wins her the victory?”

T.D. Jakes

“Sometimes we esteem others more important than ourselves. We always become the martyr. It is wonderful to be self-sacrificing, but watch out for self-disdain! If we don’t apply some of the medicine that we use on others to strengthen ourselves, our patients will be healed and we will be dying.”

T.D. Jakes

“Instinct and purpose often operate like a marriage.”

T.D. Jakes

“The heart of the prudent getteth knowledge; and the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge" -Proverbs 18:15 (KJV)” 

T.D. Jakes

“Even if you love your current job and don’t work in a hostile environment, you can still learn how to better equip yourself for when conflict and trials do come around. And believe me, sooner or later they always come around! For the devil can’t stand for God’s people to advance His causes without a fight. So if your present workplace isn’t hostile, then thank the Lord for this wonderful respite and use it to train yourself for when you will be sitting across the boardroom from a devil in disguise.”

T.D. Jakes

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