“Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.”

T.D. Jakes

“How much better to get wisdom than gold! And to get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver (Proverbs 16:16 NKJV).” 

T.D. Jakes

“It’s better to gather in righteousness than fellowship with darkness.”

T.D. Jakes

“We are assaulted by so much information each day that it’s easy to lose touch with the voice inside us, the compelling sense of knowledge, the awareness we have in our gut. In addition, we’re often conditioned to dismiss our instincts as primal and animalistic, subjective and unscientific. We’re taught to rely on facts and figures, data and digits, not hunches and gut feelings.”

T.D. Jakes

“I’d rather you waste my money than waste my time.”

T.D. Jakes

“People tend to glorify the past, especially when they are struggling with the future.”

T.D. Jakes

“Because you have messed up, many of you believe your calling has been annulled. The devil is a liar, for “the gifts and calling of God are without repentance” (Rom. 11:29). That is, they are irrevocable—He’s not taking them back.” 

T.D. Jakes

“You can be the most grateful person in the world, but if you have not arrived at the place God wants you to be, to do the thing God has destined you and only you to do, that longing will never go away.”

T.D. Jakes

“If someone must be hurt, if it ever becomes necessary to bear pains, weather strong winds, or withstand trials or opposition, let it be adults and not children.”

T.D. Jakes

“someone you considered a friend will kick you to the curb because you stop hanging out so much with the fellas to be with your girlfriend. Prioritize your relationships and you will discover who your real friends are.”

T.D. Jakes

“Your hindrance? Trying to build your dream without the Dreammaker.”

T.D. Jakes

“Sometimes we esteem others more important than ourselves. We always become the martyr. It is wonderful to be self-sacrificing, but watch out for self-disdain! If we don’t apply some of the medicine that we use on others to strengthen ourselves, our patients will be healed and we will be dying.”

T.D. Jakes

“Maybe we need to stop choosing people purely by résumés and rationales that have led us headfirst into disappointment. We need instead to find people who are in sync with our beat and form a more perfect union with those who hear the same rhythm! It is time for us to find the thing we were created to do, the people we were meant to affect, and the power that comes from alignment with purpose. Having had unique opportunities to sit at the table with champions in”

T.D. Jakes

“We are a microwave generation serving a Crock-Pot God.”

T.D. Jakes

“God lets you go through challenges to give you credibility in a certain area and the ability to help someone else out of a situation that you once were in.”

T.D. Jakes

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