“la meta final de todo estudio bíblico es su aplicación, no su interpretación. En vista de que Dios quiere cambiar nuestra vida por medio de su Palabra, es de suma importancia aprender a aplicar las Escrituras en nuestra vida antes de aprender cualquier otro método de estudio bíblico.”

Rick Warren

“This is what God wants most from you: a relationship!”

Rick Warren

“Resentment always hurts you more than it does the person you resent.”

Rick Warren

“The purpose of influence is to "speak up for those who have no influence." (Pr.31:8) It's not about you.”

Rick Warren

“It is a fatal mistake to assume that God’s goal for your life is material prosperity or popular success, as the world defines it. The abundant life has nothing to do with material abundance, and faithfulness to God does not guarantee success in a career or even ministry. Never focus on temporary crowns.”

Rick Warren

“mientras que lo que no se ve es eterno.”

Rick Warren

“If you prayed as much as you complain and quarrel, you'd have a lot less to argue about and much more peace of mind.” 

Rick Warren

“God’s motive for creating you was his love.”

Rick Warren

“Jesus stood at a fork in the road. Would he fulfill his purpose and bring glory to God, or would he shrink back and live a comfortable, self-centered life? You face the same choice. Will you live for your own goals, comfort, and pleasure, or will you live the rest of your life for God’s glory, knowing that he has promised eternal rewards?”

Rick Warren

“POINT TO PONDER: I’m as close to God as I choose to be.”

Rick Warren

“Pain is the fuel of passion — it energizes us with an intensity to change that we don’t normally possess. C. S. Lewis said, “Pain is God’s megaphone.” It is God’s way of arousing us from spiritual lethargy. Your problems are not punishment; they are wake-up calls from a loving God. God is not mad at you; he’s mad about you, and he will do whatever it takes to bring you back into fellowship with him.”

Rick Warren

“Las personas son más importantes que el dinero.”

Rick Warren

“God did not need to create you, but he chose to create you for his own enjoyment. You exist for his benefit, his glory, his purpose, and his delight.”

Rick Warren

“«En la medida en que el Espíritu del Señor opera en nosotros, nos parecemos más a él y reflejamos más su gloria». 2 Corintios 3:18 (BAD).

Rick Warren

“Don't be envious of the runner in the lane next to you; just focus on finishing your race.”

Rick Warren

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