“We often forget that God has emotions, too. He feels things very deeply. The Bible tells us that God grieves, gets jealous and angry, and feels compassion, pity, sorrow, and sympathy as well as happiness, gladness, and satisfaction. God loves, delights, gets pleasure, rejoices, enjoys, and even laughs!

Rick Warren

“It's not about me.”

Rick Warren

“It is usually meaningless work, not overwork, that wears us down, saps our strength, and robs our joy.”

Rick Warren

“Hiding your hurt only intensifies it. Problems grow in the dark and become bigger and bigger, but when exposed to the light of truth, they shrink. You are only as sick as your secrets. So take off your mask, stop pretending you’re perfect, and walk into freedom.”

Rick Warren

“Knowing your purpose gives meaning to your life. We were made to have meaning. This is why people try dubious methods, like astrology or psychics, to discover it. When life has meaning, you can bear almost anything; without it, nothing is bearable.”

Rick Warren

“When life has meaning, you can bear almost anything; without it, nothing is bearable.”

Rick Warren

“How would it make you feel if God showed you what you could have accomplished in life if you had just believed him a little bit more?”

Rick Warren

“your own. You have probably tried to change many times and have failed to maintain the changes.”

Rick Warren

“All sin, at its root, is failing to give God glory. It is loving anything else more than God. Refusing to bring glory to God is prideful rebellion, and it is the sin that caused Satan’s fall — and ours, too. In different ways we have all lived for our own glory, not God’s. The Bible says, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”

Rick Warren

“60 percent of your brain is made from fat, specifically DHA.”

Rick Warren

“Los líderes necesitan tener el valor necesario para enfrentarse cuando vean cometer una injusticia.”

Rick Warren

“¿Sabes que reconocer tu desesperanza ante Dios puede ser una afirmación de fe? Es posible confiar en Dios y sentirse afligido al mismo tiempo.”

Rick Warren

“We bring God glory by telling others about him.”

Rick Warren

“Many of your relationship problems are not really relationship problems. They're personal problems that spill over into relationships.”

Rick Warren

“We can worship God imperfectly, but we cannot worship him insincerely.”

Rick Warren

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