“Don’t be determined to never have problems. Be determined to stay full of joy in the midst of your problems.”

Joel Osteen

“You’ve got to listen to what God’s telling you and not to what other people may tell you. People will try to talk you out of the dream in your heart.”

Joel Osteen

“If you will focus on meeting other people’s needs, God will always make sure your needs are supplied. God will take care of your problems for you.”

Joel Osteen

“I can do all things through Christ. I am strong in the Lord.”

Joel Osteen

“I’m not worried about it.”

Joel Osteen

“Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. HEBREWS 11:1”

Joel Osteen

“When you go through a disappointment, when you go through a loss, don’t stop on that page. Keep moving forward. There’s another chapter in front of you, but you have to be willing to walk into it.”

Joel Osteen

“my joy. That was a great day in my life! Your time is too valuable to worry about pleasing everyone else or making them happy. I know people who spend more time worrying about what others think about them than they do focusing on their own dreams and goals. You’ve got to get free from that.”

Joel Osteen

“The Scripture says that God wants to pour out “His far and beyond favor.”1 God wants this to be the best time of your life. But if you are going to receive this favor, you must enlarge your vision. You can’t”

Joel Osteen

“God made you as you are on purpose. He gave you your looks, your height, your skin color, your nose, your personality. Nothing about you is by accident. You didn’t get overlooked. You didn’t get left out. God calls you His masterpiece. Instead of going around feeling down on yourself, unattractive, too tall, too short, not enough of this, or too much of that, dare to get up in the morning and say, “I am a masterpiece. I am created in the image of Almighty God.”

Joel Osteen

“Certainly there are times in all of our lives when bad things happen, or things don’t turn out as we had hoped. But that’s when we we must a decision that we’re going to be happy inspite of our circumstances.”

Joel Osteen

“When we don’t forgive, we’re not hurting the other person. We’re not hurting the company that did us wrong. We’re not hurting God. We’re only hurting ourselves.”

Joel Osteen

“If you hold on to what you want so tightly, it almost becomes an idol.”

Joel Osteen

“Our expectations set the limits for our lives. If you expect little, you’re going to receive little. If you don’t anticipate things to get better, then they won’t. But if you expect more favor, more good breaks, a promotion, and an increase, then you will see new levels of favor and success.”

Joel Osteen

“Dwelling on defeats, failures, and unfair situations will keep you stuck.”

Joel Osteen

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