“The path of self-realisation is the most difficult. -We acquire a sense of worth either by realising our talents, or by keeping busy, or by identifying ourselves with something apart from us - be it a cause, a leader, a group, possessions, and the like. Of the three, the path of self-realisation is the most difficult. It is taken when other avenues to a sense of worth are more or less blocked.”

Bruce Lee

“Always be yourself and have faith in yourself. Do not go out and look for a successful personality and try to duplicate it.”

Bruce Lee

“Remembrance is the only paradise out of which we cannot be driven away. Pleasure is the flower that fades, remembrance is the lasting perfume. Remembrances last longer than present realities; I have preserved blossoms for many years, but never fruits.”

Bruce Lee

“If I tell you I'm good, probably you will say I'm boasting. But if I tell you I'm not good, you'll know I'm lying.”

Bruce Lee

“Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.”

Bruce Lee

“Real living is living for others.”

Bruce Lee

“water is fearless,you put water into a cup,it becomes the cup ,you put water into a teapot it becomes the teapot,water can flow drip ,creap,or crash!”

Bruce Lee

“In early September, there come”

Bruce Lee

“If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves. Moving, be like water. Still, be like a mirror. Respond like an echo. ”

Bruce Lee

“Living exists when life lives through us … life is a living now!”

Bruce Lee

“Experiencing is believing. - A fat belly cannot believe that such a thing as hunger exists.”

Bruce Lee

“Not being tense but ready. Not thinking but not dreaming. Not being set but flexible. Liberation from the uneasy sense of confinement. It is being wholly and quietly alive, aware and alert, ready for whatever may come.”

Bruce Lee

“If you follow the classical pattern, you are understanding the routine, the tradition, the shadow -- you are not understanding yourself.”

Bruce Lee

“Anger should be expressed. - Any anger that is not coming out, flowing freely, will turn into sadism, power drive, stammering, and other means of torturing.”

Bruce Lee

“If you love life, don't waste time, for time is what life is made up of.”

Bruce Lee

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