Proverbs on "African Proverbs" Back

She is beautiful; she has love, understands; she respects herself and others; everyone likes, loves and honors her; she is a goddess.

African Proverbs

If you find no fish, you have to eat bread.

African Proverbs

There is always a winner even in a monkey’s beauty contest.

African Proverbs

A real family eats the same cornmeal.

African Proverbs

A family is like a forest, when you are outside it is dense, when you are inside you see that each tree has its place.

African Proverbs

Sugarcane is sweetest at its joint”. It is difficult to achieve some things, but at the end, a man will enjoy the result.

African Proverbs

Rich people cook their food in a potsherd.

African Proverbs

Having a good discussion is like having riches.

African Proverbs

Knowledge without wisdom is like water in the sand.

African Proverbs

There can be no peace without understanding.

African Proverbs

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