General Riddles

I started learning to drive today. Just a few minutes back, I went down a one-way street in the wrong direction but I did not break the traffic rules. How?
Simple, I was not driving then, I was walking.

If it took fifteen men ten days to build a tower, how long would it take four men to build it?
No time at all, as the tower it is already built!

What has roots as nobody sees, Is taller than trees. Up, up, up it goes, And yet never grows?

I reach for the sky, but clutch to the ground; sometimes I leave, but I am always around. What am I?

Which number can you put to fill in the sequence? 23 1 3 25 16 20 6 9 20 ?
19 Explanation: Position of first letter of the words in the question in alphabets.

6 15 18 20 ? = FORTY
25. Explanation: Replace each number with the corresponding letters in the alphabet. 6 = F 15 = O 18 = R 20 = T 25 = Y

Two lawyers were fighting against each other in a case in a courtroom. One of them is the father of the other's son. How are they related?
They are husband and wife.

I am a four letter word. I am an animal. You use me to call your dear ones. Who am I?

Make the following equation correct by using only 1 line: 102 + 5 + 8 = 650
102+548=650 (use the single line to make the + 4)

I go around the world, but always stay in a corner.
Postal Stamp

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