General Riddles

A woman met one of her classmates after 20 long years. After exchanging pleasantries, the first woman told the other that she has 4 children, half of them female. At this, the other woman smiled and replied, even half of her children too are female. However, she has 3 children. How is this possible?
The second woman has all female children.

What is at the end of a rainbow?
The letter W.

I go around the world, but always stay in a corner.
Postal Stamp

You need to spend a night in a building where there is no power. There are three rooms in this building. On the door of each room there are three different signs. One says "Lions Inside - anyone goes inside becomes their supper", the second one says "Open the door and a machine gun starts firing" and the third one says "Electric Room - touch anything and you will die". Which room would you choose?
Electric Room. Explanation:: There is no power in the building.

Sometimes I am bigger than you and sometimes I am smaller than you. Sometimes I follow you and sometimes you follow me. I don't have any weight. Who am I?
Your shadow

What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?
A stamp.

Replace one letter in each step to change the word COLD to its opposite. Each step has to be a legitimate word. COLD ? ? ? ?

If six thousand six hundred and six dollar is written as $6,606, then write eleven thousand eleven hundred and eleven dollars.

I am an eight letter standard word used by almost everybody. If you take away two alphabets from me I will make a logical sequence. Who am I?

Fill in the sequence: 10 10 22 9 24 8 26 ?
7 Explanation: There are two series - 20, 22, 24, 26 and 10, 9, 8, 7.

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