General Riddles

I am in the beginning of sorrow and sadness. You will find me in happiness also. You will find me in sun and stars but not in moon. I am in summer and spring but not in fall or winter. Who am I?
The alphabet S.

I am transparent. You can see and feel me, but you cannot hold me. I always take the shape of my container. Who am I?

A shepherd has 18 goats. All but 6 die. How many are left?
6 of course!

I go around the world, but always stay in a corner.
Postal Stamp

Feed me and I live, yet give me a drink and I die.

What is that which everybody has seen but will never see again?

A crime is reported from 6 Park Avenue. The police reach the scene of the crime and find that a single life has been lost. The killer is also there on the spot and so are the evidences that are pointing to his crime, but the police cannot arrest him. Why?
The person who has lost his life, has killed himself. In other words, he has committed suicide

How can you write 23 using the number 2 only 4 times? You can use addition, subtraction, division, multiplication.

I have a many legs, but cannot stand. I have a long neck, but I have no head. I cannot walk and I cannot see But I keep things neat and tidy as can be. What am I?
A broom.

I am soft and transparent. I am so small that you can keep me on your fingers. I have no light but I help you to see the beautiful world. I improve your vision only when I come in contact with you. Who am I?
Contact Lens

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