“You are a child of the Most High God.”

Joel Osteen

“We’ve got to give people room to have a bad day.” 

Joel Osteen

“No, quit limiting God. He may want to open another opportunity or a better position for you. God may intervene in your situation, replacing your supervisor so you can be promoted. One day, you may run that entire company! Once you begin”

Joel Osteen

“Don’t talk about the size of your problem. Talk about the size of your God.”

Joel Osteen

“I'm blessed to be a blessing to someone else.”

Joel Osteen

“If I prophesy my future I want to prophesy something good. I’m not saying what I feel. I’m not saying what it looks like in the real world. No, I’m saying what God says about me.”

Joel Osteen

“esa mentalidad negativa e ir más arriba. Recuerda que Dios puso en ti todo lo necesario para que vivas victorioso.”

Joel Osteen

“Les tengo buenas noticias: Usted no se tiene que mantener a la par de nadie. Usted puede correr su propia carrera y ser un individuo. Dios le ha dado la gracia para hacer lo que Él le ha llamado a hacer y no le ha dado la gracia para hacer lo que todos los demás están haciendo. Usted no tiene que ser la mejor mamá del mundo, sólo sea la mejor mamá que usted puede ser. Posiblemente, yo nunca seré el mejor pastor del mundo. Quizá no seré el mejor esposo ni el mejor padre, pero he decidido ser lo mejor que yo puedo ser y no me sentiré mal conmigo. Si otra persona puede hacer lo que hago mejor que yo, que bueno, yo no estoy en una competencia ni me estoy comparando con nadie. A mi manera de pensar, ¡yo soy el mejor! Y sé que estoy haciendo lo mejor que puedo. Eso es lo que nos enseña la Escritura. Dice: “Así que, cada uno someta a prueba su propia obra…”

Joel Osteen

“DAY TWENTY I DECLARE that I am calm and peaceful. I will not let people or circumstances upset me. I will rise above every difficulty, knowing that God has given me the power to remain calm. I choose to live my life happy, bloom where I am planted, and let God fight my battles. This is my declaration.”

Joel Osteen

“What would have happened to me if I would not have believed I would see the goodness of God?”

Joel Osteen

“When God puts love and compassion in your heart toward someone, He’s offering you an opportunity to make a difference in that person’s life. You must learn to follow that love. Don’t ignore it. Act on it. Somebody needs what you have.”

Joel Osteen

“Don’t get upset. Just keep being your best each day.”

Joel Osteen

“You must make a decision that you are going to move on. It wont happen automatically. You will have to rise up and say, ‘I don’t care how hard this is, I don’t care how disappointed I am, I’m not going to let this get the best of me. I’m moving on with my life.”

Joel Osteen

“You’ve been destined to live in victory, destined to overcome, destined to leave your mark on this generation.”

Joel Osteen

“Don’t go around year after year expecting the same thing the same way. God is a God of increase. He has greater levels. Where you are is not where you’re supposed to stay. You’re supposed to rise higher. Have a bigger vision.”

Joel Osteen

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