“In Eden, worship was not an event to attend, but a perpetual attitude.”

Rick Warren

“William James said, “The best use of life is to spend it for something that outlasts it.” 

Rick Warren

“PUNTO DE REFLEXIóN: La vida consiste en amar. VERSíCULO PARA RECORDAR: «Toda la ley se resume en un solo mandamiento: “Ama a tu prójimo como a ti mismo”». Gálatas 5:14 (NVI). PREGUNTA PARA CONSIDERAR: Con toda franqueza, ¿son las relaciones mi prioridad? ¿Qué medidas puedo tomar para asegurarme de que lo sean?”

Rick Warren

“Most men lead lives of aimless distraction.”

Rick Warren

“What are you doing personally to make your church family more warm and loving? There are many people in your community who are looking for love and a place to belong. The truth is, everyone needs and wants to be loved, and when people find a church where members genuinely love and care for each other, you would have to lock the doors to keep them away.”

Rick Warren

“The easiest way to discover the purpose of an invention is to ask the creator of it. The same is true for discovering your life’s purpose: Ask God.”

Rick Warren

“When you committed your life to Christ, he moved into the center; but you must keep him there through worship.” 

Rick Warren

“«La experiencia no es lo que te pasa a ti. Es lo que haces con lo que te pasa».”

Rick Warren

“The closer you get to Jesus, the less you need to promote yourself.”

Rick Warren

“Dear Jesus, more than anything else, I want to get to know you intimately.”

Rick Warren

“Every problem is a character-building opportunity, and the more difficult it is, the greater the potential for building spiritual muscle and moral fiber.”

Rick Warren

“If you're alive, there's a purpose for your life.”

Rick Warren

“God has given you a mission in life, and only you can fulfill it.

Rick Warren

“Knowing your purpose simplifies your life. It defines what you do and what you don’t do. Your purpose becomes the standard you use to evaluate which activities are essential and which aren’t. You simply ask, “Does this activity help me fulfill one of God’s purposes for my life?”

Rick Warren

“La superviviente del holocausto Corrie Ten Boom dijo: «Si miras el mundo, te angustiarás. Si miras dentro de ti, te deprimirás. Pero si miras a Cristo, encontrarás descanso».”

Rick Warren

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