“POINT TO PONDER: God smiles when I trust him. VERSE TO REMEMBER: “The Lord is pleased with those who worship him and trust his love.” PSALM 147:11 (CEV) QUESTION TO CONSIDER: Since God knows what is best, in what areas of my life do I need to trust him most?”

Rick Warren

“You cannot fulfil God's purposes for your life while focusing on your own plans. ”

Rick Warren

“Who are you going to live for — yourself or God?”

Rick Warren

“Your value is not determined by your valuables,”

Rick Warren

“Maturity is produced through relationships and community.”

Rick Warren

“While life on earth offers many choices, eternity offers only two: heaven or hell. Your relationship to God on earth will determine your relationship to him in eternity.”

Rick Warren

“Knowing and loving God is our greatest privilege, and being known and loved is God’s greatest pleasure.”

Rick Warren

“When you think of the limitation in your life, you may be tempted to conclude, “God could never use me.” But God is never limited by our limitations.”

Rick Warren

“God’s power is the key to any transformational change in our lives, including our health.”

Rick Warren

“Every parent knows that delayed obedience is really disobedience.”

Rick Warren

“Without God’s power in your life, you are just running on your own energy. God never meant for you to do that. It’s like having a laptop that’s unplugged; the battery will eventually drain and shut down the computer. Why would you live like that when God created you for so much more?”

Rick Warren

“It’s in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for.”

Rick Warren

“Every problem is a character-building opportunity, and the more difficult it is, the greater the potential for building spiritual muscle and moral fiber.”

Rick Warren

“In our final moments we all realize that relationships are what life is all about. Wisdom is learning that truth sooner rather than later. Don’t wait until you’re on your deathbed to figure out that nothing matters more.”

Rick Warren

“Este es el secreto para una vida de adoración: Hacer todo como si lo hicieras para Jesús. Una paráfrasis lo expresa así: «Toma tu vida cotidiana, la vida de todos los días —tu descanso, tus comidas, tu trabajo, y tus idas y venidas— y ponlas como una ofrenda ante Dios».”

Rick Warren

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