“In this life, there is nothing more powerful than a person who has seen the path to destiny within their soul and is willing to pursue it.”

Jim Stovall

“You can often outperform what other people think of you, but you will never outperform what you think of yourself.”

Jim Stovall

“When we can learn from our own problems, we begin to deal with life. When we can learn from other people’s problems, we begin to master life.”

Jim Stovall

“things in this life can be separated into two categories: Things that are valuable and things that matter.”

Jim Stovall

“wife and two children on the spot of barren dirt that hours before had been his home and everything he owned, he spoke the words I will keep with me always. He said, “We have lost absolutely everything. We have nothing left other than the clothes on our backs.” Then, after a brief pause, he continued, “But I guess we are lucky since our whole family is safe and sound. We have everything important.” To have lost everything and still have everything seems contradictory, but it’s not. As I reflect on the lessons presented by the young father, I realize that we all spend a lot of time accumulating things that in the final”

Jim Stovall

“Struggles often serve to release the wisdom, patience, and strength we all possess but too seldom demonstrate.”

Jim Stovall

“Remember that a wish held fervently turns into belief, and a belief held diligently becomes reality.”

Jim Stovall

“the desire and hunger for education is the key to real learning.”

Jim Stovall

“write books, make speeches, produce movies, or even submit a weekly column with the thought of making people’s lives better, stand atop the giant shoulders of Napoleon Hill. Anyone who has written a self-help or personal-development book in the last 75 years enjoyed an advantage that Napoleon Hill never had. We have all benefited”

Jim Stovall

“... sometimes in life, you either laugh or you cry. And I prefer to laugh.”

Jim Stovall

“Success lies in the balance between seeking and striving on one hand and being peaceful and content on the other.”

Jim Stovall

“manageable problem. “If we are not allowed to deal with small problems, we will be destroyed by slightly larger ones. When we come to understand this fact, we live our lives not avoiding problems, but welcoming them as challenges that will strengthen us so that we can be victorious in the future.”

Jim Stovall

“You need to be aware of what others are doing, applaud their efforts, ackowledge their successes, and encourage them in their pursuits. When we all help one another, everybody wins.”

Jim Stovall

“We have become a society of people that loves to blame someone else for our condition.”

Jim Stovall

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