“I find something new in the Bible every time I read it . . . that can be the experience of everyone who comes to it wanting to discover more of God’s truth.”

Billy Graham

“We live in an upside-down world, in which people hate what they should love and love what they should hate.”

Billy Graham

“The Christian has a great obligation to be ethical and honest in all things, even sometimes at personal hazard. It is in the difficult situation that the qualities of a Christian are seen.”

Billy Graham

“The secret of the power of Christianity is not in its ethics. It is not in Christian ideas or philosophy . . .the secret of Christianity is found . . . in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Billy Graham

“Has God designated any one person here on earth to speak with final authority about Him? No—the one Man who could do that lived two thousand years ago, and we crucified Him!”

Billy Graham

“Our dress, our posture, our actions should all be for the honor and glory of Christ. Much of our talk as Christians is secular, not spiritual. It is easy to fall into the conversational conformity of the world and spend an evening discussing politics, new cars, and the latest entertainment. We often forget that we are to edify one another with holy conversation and that our conversation should be on heavenly, and not exclusively on earthly things.”

Billy Graham

“Honesty means exactly what it says. We are honest and trustworthy in all our dealings. People can trust our word, because we refuse to lie or shade the truth.”

Billy Graham

“Money takes our minds off God.”

Billy Graham

“When God forgives us and purifies us of our sin, He also forgets it. Forgiveness results in God dropping the charges against us.”

Billy Graham

“Prayer is more than a wish; it is the voice of faith directed to God.”

Billy Graham

“While we’re looking up to see the rainbow—God’s promises—we’re ignoring floodwaters rising. While we’re looking down to see how close we can get to the edge of the world without being trapped by Satan, we’re taking our eyes off of Christ.”

Billy Graham

“There are Christians who have never really learned the biblical truth of separation: separation from unclean thoughts and unclean habits.”

Billy Graham

“The Word does not change. The Dead Sea scrolls, archeology, modern science—they do not change the Bible; they confirm it.”

Billy Graham

“This is a high-strung, neurotic, impatient age. We hurry when there is no reason to hurry, just to be hurrying. This fast-paced age has produced more problems and less morality than previous generations, and it has given us jangled nerves. Impatience as produced a crop of broken homes, ulcers, and has set the stage for more world wars.”

Billy Graham

“The world by its advertisements, its conversation, and its philosophy is engaged in a gigantic brainwashing task . . . The Christian is beset by secular and worldly propaganda.”

Billy Graham

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