General Riddles

What invention lets you look right through a wall?
A window

Replace one letter in each step to change the word COLD to its opposite. Each step has to be a legitimate word. COLD ? ? ? ?

On an average, how many birthdays do men on earth have?
1, just one! It is the day when we hit the earth. It is a different story that we celebrate our birthday every year, which actually implies Anniversary.

I am pronounced with only one letter but written with three letters. Two different letters are used to write me. My color varies from black, blue, green, brown, grey etc. Who am I?

Fill in the blanks in the following sentence with an anagram: Almost a _________ started between two brothers to decide who will use their father's _________.
battle and tablet.

People use me to keep themselves clean. I get slimmer whenever I do some work. After my workout is over people need water. Who am I?
A bar of soap.

I am deaf, dumb and blind. But I am very shiny and always speak the truth. Who am I?

A box without hinges, key, or lid, Yet golden treasure inside is hid.

I help you in fixing your appointments and important schedules. You use me everyday several times. Still you keep on changing me every month. Who am I?
A Calendar

Name four days of the week starting with the alphabet "T".
Tuesday, Thursday, Today and Tomorrow

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