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General Proverbs

Two ants do not fail to pull one grasshopper.
African Proverbs

If the cockroach wants to rule over the chicken, then it must hire the fox as a body-guard.
African Proverbs

Between true friends even water drunk together is sweet enough.
African Proverbs

Knowledge without wisdom is like water in the sand.
African Proverbs

There is always a winner even in a monkey’s beauty contest.
African Proverbs

The impotent man does not eat spicy foods.
African Proverbs

A single bracelet does not jingle.
African Proverbs

There is no fool who is disowned by his family.
African Proverbs

If ten cents does not go out, it does not bring in one thousand dollars.
African Proverbs

Traveling is learning.
African Proverbs

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